Pace University - Jane Cohen Memorial Scholarship

Established in memory of Jane Cohen, former RCC Transfer Counselor.

Criteria: Must be graduating with an associate’s degree from RCC and be accepted at Pace University for the upcoming Fall semester. Minimum GPA: 3.0. For all requirements and additional information, contact Joe Planck, Student Development Center, Technology Center, RCC.

Students must submit a 2-4 page essay which includes one or more of the following topics:

Describe your educational experience thus far.

Discuss your educational and professional goals.

Share the challenges you have encountered while pursuing your education.

Describe how a Pace University education will help you achieve your goals.

Share any professional, academic, or personal experiences you have had.

Discuss your involvement in activities outside of the classroom.

Describe the person you have considered a role model or mentor.

Full, Two-Year Tuition Scholarship to Pace University
Supplemental Questions
  1. Which choice best describes your status with Pace University?
  2. Please upload your essay for this scholarship (essay requirements are found in the scholarship description).